IIC Driven

Product Market Fit

A workshop on Problem-Solution fit and Product-Market fit was organised by Manav Rachna Innovation and Incubation Centre led by Ms. Ina Singh on 27th February, 2023 for students who had presented their ideas in the idea pitching sessions held in November and December. Ms. Singh interacted with students on how the development of their ideas …

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Design Thinking, Critical Thinking and Innovation Design

A workshop on Design Thinking, Critical Thinking and Innovation Design was conducted by Manav Rachna Innovation and Incubation Centre led by Ms. Ina Singh, Research Associate-MRIIC and Innovation Ambassador- IIC on 8th December, 2022. The session was conducted to enlighten students to open their minds towards the various ways that their ideas could materialise into …

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Demo Day

MRIIC conducted a Demo day on 8th December, 2022 wherein a panel of 4 members including Mr. Vikas Sharma, Ms. Ina Singh, Mr. Pranaw Jha and Mr. Aman Chaudhary evaluated the innovative ideas submitted by students. Entry was open for students all throughout the university irrespective of their branch of study. Applications were submitted from …

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Inspiron by Entrepreneur

Manav Rachna Innovation and Incubation Centre organized a motivational session called “Inspiron” led by Mr. Mohit Bahl who is Director of Makershala and Technoplanet Labs. Mr. Mohit started the session by interacting with students about their backgrounds, interests, projects and knowledge about start-ups. He asked the students where they saw their career going in the …

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Inspiron by Innovator

Manav Rachna Innovation and Incubation Centre organized a motivational session called “Inspiron” led by Mr. Amit Kumar who is Director of Parimukh Innovations who made the Pariyayantra Air Filtration System. Mr. Amit recounted his experiences of facing challenges in the beginning of his Graduation as project-based learning was difficult to find when the norm was …

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Problem Solving

A session on Problem Solving was held for Doctoral Students of Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies on 19th November, 2022. The resource person was Dr. Umesh Dutta (Director, MRIIC) who has vast experience in training research scholars in turning their ideas into viable products. He emphasized on correctly identifying and defining the …

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