Entrepreneurship and Skill Development

A workshop on Entrepreneurship and Skill Development was conducted at Manav Rachna Innovation and Incubation Centre on 7th December, 2022 by Ms. Ina Singh.

The workshop was targeted for a mixed batch of students with technical as well as non-technical background including commerce and arts, to give them an early insight into the entrepreneurial environment. Ms. Singh expanded on how entrepreneurship is one of the four fundamental pillars of economy after land, labour and capital.

She stressed on the importance of skilling to develop the human resources necessary to design, develop and market profitable products which can accommodate the risk taking capacity of an entrepreneur. With web development being considered an asset for this generation, a special section was devoted to how websites can be developed and presented in the best manner to display specific qualities and trends. The students were given exposure to the tool Django and how it can help build a sound profile for an entrepreneur. It can help make idea pitches and product prototype reporting more impactful.

Its use can be extended to all domains whether they be technical or non-technical and can therefore support budding entrepreneurs in their endeavours. The students were inquisitive about the technology and its various aspects and how it could be useful for them at the beginner level. They appreciated the opportunity to know about such an in-demand tool and were also motivated to work for innovations in the future.

The students were also explained the significance of growing their skills in this highly competitive market and how an attitude to problem solving and a behaviour of general engagement with society and community can help develop an individual’s personality as well as enhance contribution to the nation.

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