Manav Rachna Innovation and Incubation Centre organized a motivational session on “Entrepreneurship and Innovation as Career Opportunity” led by Dr. Ashwini K Aggarwal who is Director – Government Affairs, Applied Materials.
He started the session with sharing his profile and experience in the industry. He told the students about industrial revolution and how we are at Industry 4.0 where everything is amplified like hyperconnectivity and hypercompetition. He informed students how more and more disruptive businesses are cropping up based on
innovative ideas that address modern day problems. He then presented in section on how culture of things is the greatest means to thrive in this kind of competitive world.
He explained culture as a set of believes and values which becomes a habit and which can inspire innovation. He took the students through a journey of the evolution of entrepreneurship and the different ways it has been defined over the years. He also emphasized the risks and disadvantages involved along with a variety of the reasons for
failures of new entrepreneurs. Finally he gave the students the Mantra of:
- Don’t kill a project
- Tolerate failure
- Keep division small
- Motivate the champions
- Stay close to the customer
- Share the wealth
He explained these as the basic strategy on how to survive in the industry in the long run and continue thriving. The students were appreciative of the opportunity to interact with an individual with such a vast experience in the industry. The students had a lot of follow-up questions that were happily addressed by Dr. Ashwini which concluded the interactive session.