Idea Pitching

An Idea Pitching event for gathering innovative ideas from students of Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies was held on 9th November, 2022. A panel from Manav Rachna Innovation and Incubation Center presided by Dr. Umesh Dutta (Director, MRIIC) evaluated the ideas.

The evaluation criterion was based mainly on the following categories:

  • Ideation
  • Problem solving
  • Uniqueness
  • Practicality
  • Technology Readiness Level
  • Funding Stage

An encouraging response was obtained from students of Biotechnology, Nutrition, Dental College, Allied Health and Electronics & Communication Engineering. Students were provided with setup to present their ideas to the panel. The panel evaluated their ideas and provided suitable suggestions as needed. The ideas were then segregated into 3 categories:

  1. Can be pursued
  2. Needing more refinement
  3. Needing further research

Those ideas which could be taken up to the next stage were then registered on the YUKTI – National Innovation Repository. The selected ideas were also guided in terms of the roadmap to be followed in the upcoming months with respect to:

  • Hardware Support
  • Software Requirement
  • Mentorship
  • Skill Building
  • Team Building

Mittvaanee, Pill box and Public Review system got selected for mentoring and seed funds by the jury panel. The ideas on YUKTI – NIR shall be managed by the Innovation Ambassadors and follow up sessions as well as mentor meetings shall be conducted to enhance the Technology Readiness Level of the ideas presented.

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